Occult Detective Link Tree

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2 Responses to “Occult Detective Link Tree”

  1. Are you in communication with any genuine Occult Detectives? I am a police consultant on occult crime, which isn’t quite an OD, but close. I’ve worked with local law enforcement in the Bay Area, with the FBI, and with the Justice Department on a number of cases – mostly low-profile, but some well-known, like the Matamoros Murders, the Nightstalker case, the Lake & Ng Murders, the McMartin case, and others. I co-write Satanism in America: How the Devil Got Much More Than His Due, a guide to occult crime for law-enforcement. I’ve also lectured on occult crime at the local police academy. The consulting work is nowhere near as mysterious & glamorous as the fiction would suggest, but much weirder and often more gruesome than the public would imagine.

    I just discovered your site and I’m enjoying it. I, too, have written on the occult for role-playing games, including Mage, Pendragon, and Nephilim, so I’m very much looking forward to your Occult Detective RPG.

    My latest project is an Occult / Pagan library called the Adocentyn Research Library. We just opened with over 18,000 books. We have a large section on occult crime (some might say too large) due to my police work. I have not yet brought my collection of Occult Detective fiction over, but it will be included soon.

    Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in your work.

    Be well, Don Frew

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