Happy Friday the 13th!

harvest moon

I have for years, unabashedly, proclaimed Friday the 13th as my second favorite holiday (after Halloween naturally), and, tonight’s Full Harvest Moon makes the date all the more special.

Let’s be honest — all full moons are special, but one falling on Friday the 13th is such a rare occurrence we’ll not see another until August 2049. I’ll be 83…

13That got me thinking about what 83 will be like, thirty years from now. So much change has occurred in the past thirty years, it’s hard to imagine what the decades ahead will bring.

Climate change, social and political unrest, a reliance on digital technologies… This is our world today. When I’m 83, I don’t suppose I’ll be too enamored with any of that sort of nonsense. I’ll be staring at the end of the road, surrounded by a grandchild or three perhaps, still spinning yarns and weaving magic.

I’m going to go out under the stars tonight, dragging Kim and Connor with me, and I am going to bind them to the promise that we will stand beneath that summer moon in that not so distant future, together, connected across time…

Be safe out there tonight, my friends. Sometimes there’s more than magic in the air, especially on a night like tonight…


DescendantCoverHere’s a friendly reminder for you: Descendant: A Novel of the Liber Monstrorum, my latest occult detective release, will be available on October 31st, but you can pre-order the kindle version by clicking the following link. Trade paperback and other ebook versions will be available on Samhain.

If you like a twisting and turning occult thriller, then I think you’ll find this one to be right up your alley.

Descendant is up there at the top my favourite paranormal investigation novels… the depth of occult knowledge that has been intertwined into the story is vast.”

— Jim McLeod, Ginger Nuts of Horror

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